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Auburn Marketplace :: Professional Services :: Health Services :: Holistic way to lose weight easily, quickly and healthily

Holistic way to lose weight easily, quickly and healthily

Holistic way to lose weight easily, quickly and healthily 
10% off Your First Appointment with a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor…Where Health is About YOU!

Oh, the joys of losing weight! Aren't you tired of it? We were definitely tired of it too. We tried all of the "normal" ways to help patients lose weight and they either wouldn't lose much or it just wouldn't stay off. Not willing to settle for that, we ventured into the world of HCG. The problem with most weight loss programs is that they don't reset your metabolism and they don't help you lose the right kind of fat. This program does! Not only that, but we watch people lose ½ - 1 pound a day easily and quickly. The other thing we've figured out is that often times you can't lose weight because of an underlying imbalance. We've even had people come in who've tried HCG elsewhere with no success. Since we specialize in finding those underlying imbalances and correcting them before and during your weight loss program, everyone succeeds.

Please realize that this is a 4-phase, 3-month process. This appointment would be just the beginning of that process. Also keep in mind that this is not your average medical appointment. Welcome to naturopathic medicine! You will spend 90 minutes with the doctor. During this time she will discuss your concerns, obtain a complete history and ask you all kinds of questions that you may not even think are relevant. She may order some lab-work and do any exams that seem necessary. All of this is because our goal, as naturopathic doctors, is to get to the cause of the problem, not simply treat the symptoms. If you think about it, it's pretty logical. If you fix the cause of the problem, the symptoms go away. And, that is what we specialize in.

Another thing we do is a lot of explaining. You didn't go to medical school, so you shouldn't be expected to understand the crazy intricacies of how your body works. You will leave your appointment with an understanding of why you have the symptoms you are experiencing and how, by treating the underlying cause, you can watch your symptoms and your overall health improve.

In case you are wondering, we, as naturopathic doctors, are actual doctors. We went to specialized medical schools, passed board exams and are licensed by the State. This is very different from those who just call themselves "naturopaths". And, again as naturopathic doctors, we treat people, not diseases or illnesses or conditions. What that means is that while you may be struggling with weight, this is only one thing about you. Your treatment plan will be aimed at your overall health.

Please visit our website and look at our Body Sculpting program to see more information about this amazing weight-loss program at
FREE 15 Minute Consultation Available
Please call to schedule your complimentary 15 minute consultation with one of our Doctors (530) 885-5908




SKU Weight Loss First Appointment
Quantity in stock 1000 item(s) available
Price: $193.50


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